What is Fasting?

According to a Fasting Specialist

What is fasting?

According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary:

Fasting is: “to abstain from food” or “to eat sparingly or abstain from some foods.”

But what is fasting, really?

Let’s talk about it! Here’s everything you need to know about intermittent fasting from a fasting specialist.

Fasting, or the practice of cycling between periods of eating and periods of not eating, has been around for a long time. People have been doing it for religious and cultural reasons for centuries. However, nowadays, health, nutrition, and fitness experts, including a fasting specialist like Celeste, know that intermittent fasting is an amazing way to improve health and lose weight.

Now, if you’re new to fasting, I know what you’re thinking. “Not eating? That sounds crazy.”

Listen, I thought so, too, at first, but then I tried it. I couldn’t believe the results I experienced.

I researched, shared with anyone who would listen, and all my friends and family were seeing results, too. It blew my mind. I realized that I had accidentally stumbled onto a secret weapon for health and wellness, and I just had to share it.

what is fasting?

“Instead of Using Medicine, Rather, Fast a Day”


benefits of fasting

How Does Fasting Work?

Essentially, your body has two modes. There’s a “storage mode” that happens while you eat. And then, there’s a “burning mode” that happens when you’re not eating.

Now the whole idea behind fasting is taking that burning mode, and making it last a little longer. When you intermittent fast, you’re allowing your body plenty of time to burn off excess calories, regenerate cells, and remove extra fat from your liver and body. No painful workouts required!

This is why every fasting specialist I know swears by the benefits of fasting for weight loss. This burning mode is why it works. It’s also the primary reason for the health benefits of fasting.

Our bodies are really powerful. They naturally burn calories, repair cells, and keep us going. However, our current lifestyle, which has us eating all the time, gives our body no time to work its magic.

So, what is fasting? I believe it’s the answer you’ve been looking for!

“The Best of All Medicines is Resting and Fasting”

Benjamin Franklin

Benefits of Fasting

These are just some of the benefits I’ve seen my clients experience and read from studies of great doctors on the subject (Dr. Jason Fung, Pr Valter Longo). There’s a mountain of evidence out there to back this up, too. Now, obviously, I’m not a doctor (I’m a fasting specialist), so if you have any concerns, please consult your physician. I’m also not promising to cure any diseases. Whew. Okay, now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to the good stuff.

Body Benefits

Blue Diamond - Darker   Weight Loss
Blue Diamond - Darker   Fat Loss
Blue Diamond - Darker   Strengthens Immune System
Blue Diamond - Darker   Induces Cellular Repair
Blue Diamond - Darker   Improves Blood Sugar Regulations and Improves Insulin Signaling
Blue Diamond - Darker   Decreases Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
Blue Diamond - Darker   Reduces the Need for Some Medications
Blue Diamond - Darker   Decreases Inflammation
Blue Diamond - Darker   Improves PCOS Symptoms (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Blue Diamond - Darker   Improves NAFLD Symptoms (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease)
Blue Diamond - Darker   Reduces Sleep Apnea Symptoms
Blue Diamond - Darker   Increases Energy
Blue Diamond - Darker   Slows Aging and Increases Longevity
Blue Diamond - Darker   Clears Skin and Decreases Wrinkles
Blue Diamond - Darker   Whitens Eyes
Blue Diamond - Darker   Regulates Satiety Signaling

health benefits of fasting

Mind Benefits

Blue Diamond - Darker   Improves Mental Focus
Blue Diamond - Darker   Increases Concentration
Blue Diamond - Darker   Enhances Learning
Blue Diamond - Darker   Improves Memory
Blue Diamond - Darker   Decreases Stress Levels
Blue Diamond - Darker   Better Willpower and Self-Control
Blue Diamond - Darker   Stabilizes Emotions
Blue Diamond - Darker   Reduces Rates of Depression

benefits of fasting for weight loss

“Our medicine should be our food, but to eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness”


Ready to Start on Your Fasting Journey? As a Fasting Specialist, I Help People Just Like You Change Their Lives


Is fasting safe for everyone?

Generally speaking, fasting is safe for most people. It’s not recommended for children, pregnant or breast-feeding women, or people with type 1 diabetes. If you’re underweight, have ever struggled with an eating disorder, or if you have any serious health conditions like liver, heart, or kidney disease, I don’t recommend intermittent fasting.

As a fasting specialist, I always recommend a quick consult with your doctor before starting any new dietary changes.

Do I have to restrict my other food choices?

Not usually! The main rule with fasting is when you can and can’t eat. That’s it! What you choose to eat in your feeding periods is up to you. That’s what makes fasting such an awesome way of eating. You can still enjoy many of the health benefits of fasting simply by learning the right times to eat. Then, once you become more practiced in fasting, you’ll find that you become more concerned about what you’re eating.

Step by step, you’ll learn to listen to what your body needs, and it’s not processed foods. It’s healthy, home-cooked meals. During fasting, you’ll learn a lot about your own willpower and your ability to break the desire for unhealthy foods. In my one-on-one coaching sessions, we dive deep into how this works, and how you can use intermittent fasting to overcome all your issues with food.

Is it natural to fast?

Yes! Absolutely. Even if you eat three square meals a day, you’re already fasting the whole night long. From dinner to breakfast is usually about twelve hours. So, you’re probably already fasting a little and didn’t even realize it.

But, I thought 6 small meals a day was the way to speed up my metabolism?

Your body needs time to burn off the calories your eating. If you feed it all day long, it will never have time to burn those calories or really ignite that burning mode.

Is this like keto, Whole30, Paleo, South Beach, Etc. Etc. Etc.

No! Intermittent fasting is totally different. What is fasting? It’s not a diet. It’s more like a way of life, and once you try it and experience the benefits of fasting, you’ll never go back.

Fasting is a fantastic method to reset your body’s natural balance. When you fast, you begin to recognize when your body is actually hungry, versus when you’re just eating. You’re able to eat the things you want, because you’re in tune with your body’s actual needs.

How long do I have to Fast?

There are all sorts of fasting options. With my intermittent fasting coaching, I custom tailor a time that works best for you. But typical fasts can vary from 12 hours to 48 hours. Some fasters do fasting for more than 48 hours, but I never do extended fasts with my clients.

What can I drink during a fast?

Basically, you can drink anything that doesn’t have sugar, cream, milk, or sweeteners. So, things like water, tea, herbal tea, coffee, vegetable broth, bone broths, etc.

As a fasting specialist, I always recommend starting your fast with three different drink options readily available to you. It helps vary things up and keep you from reaching for food. I usually have two or three cups sitting on my desk at the beginning of my fast days, and I always have a big bottle of water within reach.

Can I fast while I’m working?

Yes, intermittent fasting and work are completely compatible and even very beneficial for concentration and alertness at work. However, it is necessary to prepare your intermittent fast in the previous days by providing your body with a nutritious and balanced diet.

Can I exercise while I’m fasting?

Yes. However, when and how you exercise is what’s important.

While you’re in a fasting phase, most experts agree that you’ll only want to do gentle exercises, like walking.

While still in the fasting phase, you can do twenty minutes of intense exercise right before breaking the fast. For instance, if you’re on a 16:8 schedule, you can do twenty minutes of intense exercise right before you enter your 8-hour eating window.

If you’re in an eating phase, you can exercise as often and long as you’d like.

How do I know if fasting is right for me?

There are a couple of things I recommend. First, talk to your doctor to make sure fasting is safe for you. Second, schedule a free twenty-minute consultation with me, where we can identify your current issues and see if fasting is a fit for your lifestyle.

What if I fail at fasting?

It’s not really possible to fail! Fasting isn’t a diet – It’s a habit. There isn’t a large list of rules that you have to follow. As long as you’re able to fast during your fasting phase, then you succeed.

What if I don’t have a lot of willpower?

I’d love to help you. Willpower is my specialty as a fasting specialist, and one of the key things I work on with my coaching clients. Learn more about my fasting coaching services or contact me now for a free consultation.

Learn more about fasting on my fasting tips blog.

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